Monday, 3 December 2018

My 4 Favourite Back Exercises

I love training back. I remember when I first got into the gym, my back looked like a blank slate but 6 months later, my back became a lot thicker and much more defined.

Lat pulldown


The lats are extremely important to train because they give you that stunning V-shape. The V-shape is very important if you want to create an epicly aesthetic physique. Also, training lats are important to increase your bench press. That’s right, training lats can help you increase your bench. You see, one of the best techniques when training benching is to flare your lats and by training lats, you’ll be increasing your bench.

If you're looking for a great benching guide, I would recommend checking out this post.

Close grip seated cable row

I found that this exercise really helps create that thickness in your back. It also helps tremendously with increasing your strength. This will inevitably increase your bench since the back heavily utilizes your back muscles.


The traps really add another dimension to your physique. It can take your physique to the next level. I found that shrugs to be the best exercise to grow your traps. The best way to do it is to grab some plates and start shrugging. If you can’t grip the plates, I would recommend using the squat bar, or using a shrug machine if your gym has one.

More shrugs exercises.


I found pullups to be a fantastic way to train your lats and overall strength. Wide pull ups are the most effective. If you can’t do wide pull ups, I would recommend a close grip pull up. If you’re struggling to lift yourself up, use a pullup machine to assist you. Remember, weight training exercise should be incorporated into all of your workouts.

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