Monday 3 December 2018

My 3 Favourite Arm Workouts

Training my arms is definitely one of my favourite things to do in the gym. More specifically, training my biceps. I just start curling like a mad man. Training with the heaviest weights I can and then going down to lower weights when my arms can’t lift anymore.

I try to squeeze as much blood as I can into my muscles. This gives you that PUMP! An incredible feeling. In this post, I’m going to be revealing my favourite arm exercises.

Standing overhead dumbbell extensions

This is an incredible tricep exercise to add size and strength to your triceps. I make sure to always do this exercise when I want a fantastic tricep workout. 

I love training my triceps because it helps me bench more. That’s right, training triceps will help you bench more. You see one of the most used muscles in the bench are the triceps. So by having a good triceps training session, you will inevitably increase your bench.

Barbell bicep curl


This one's a classic and something that everybody should be doing and they are. The barbell bicep curl is probably the most used exercise in the gym of all time. 

It’s probably the exercise that’s stereotypically attached to the gym. You will inevitably increase your size and bicep strength by doing this exercise. I like to go as heavy as I can until I can’t lift the weight comfortably and then slowly drop the weight.


I love incorporating a body weight type of exercise into all of my workouts. This ensure that I’m always at a certain level of strength. When doing this exercise, 

I would recommend going all the way down to ensure you’re working the triceps properly. I find this is the best way to do it.